The illogic of accusing and hating God

Why accusations against God are illogical for many reasons.

Accusations and hate against God are illogical for many reasons, but let’s look at just a couple.

1. People have to base their accusations and hate on the Bible, which is illogical for many reasons.

Firstly, the Bible does not say anything negative about God, as there are no negative things to be said about our wonderful, loving Creator.

Secondly, if someone thought humans had written the Bible, they would not have written anything negative about God.

Therefore basing hate and accusations against God on the Bible, shows not to understand the Bible, as it is completely against all logic to base hate and accusations against God on the Bible.

As documented above, this argument will stand in any court.

2. And let’s look at just another evidence:

We know the Bible tells us that death and all bad things came as a result of sin. (Romans 5:12)

To accuse God for our sin, is therefore against all logic.

Comparing it with a war where one country attacks another. If the attacked country defends itself, unfortunately innocent civilians will die. Still “everyone” agree that it is the right thing to do, to defend against an intruder, in spite that innocent will die.

Should then the defender be accused for the death of civilians? No, that would be completely illogical.

To accuse God, for our sin causing deaths, is equally completely illogical.

This again would stand in any court.

Thus 2 pieces of indisputable evidence have been provided, where both alone, would stand in any court, proving that there exists no logical reason to hate and accuse God, and that all hate against our wounderful, loving Creator, as documented, is baseless.

3. Having documented that all accusations against God are baseless, we could also look at the simple fact that He is the very reason that we live, and if He withdrew His hand from us, we would all immediately die.

It is a well known fact that there are a number of factors needed for our existence that science simply cannot explain. They see that they are there, but have no clue what causes them. And without them we would all immediately die.

This can only be explained with what the Bible tells us, namely that God causes us to live and exist and that “He, Himself gives life and breath to all men, everywhere” (Acts 17:25) and that “in Him we live, move and have our being” (Acts 17:29)

If a newborn baby would hate the loving mother, laying down her life, feeding and taking care of the baby - it would be illogical.

In the same way, to hate our loving Creator, feeder and life-giver - is even much more illogical.

Having so much to be thankful for, yes our very life, the least we can do is to Give All the Heart to Him that first loved us and died so we could live.